From Peter Adi Fonte in Kumbo

The mass was celebrated by the parish priest of
Tobin, Rev. Father Charles Mbuntum Aboini. He said the basic education
successes came as a result of team work and congratulated the whole education
family. He praised of the Bui divisional delegate of basic education; Clement
Angwafor Mankefo who initiated the mass, for his spirit of humility. He told
them that human nature is full of evil so opposition will continue to exist and
that evil should be repaid with blessings. He used the occasion to call on the
faithful to denounce evil and Boko Haram threats by praying for it to come to
an end. He congratulated the Catholic Women’s Association, CWA for the
celebration of the 50th anniversary of its foundation in Cameroon.
The occasion was witnessed amongst others by some divisional delegates among
them the divisional treasurer of Kumbo, Paul Ngoyeh and Chia Ngham Eric the
divisional delegate of MINMIDT and Mrs. Elizabeth Mankefo amongst others.
Angwafor Clement
justifies holding of thanksgiving mass
Explaining the reasons behind the thanksgiving
mass, the divisional delegate of basic education; Clement Angwafor Mankefo who
took over control of the delegation in January 2013 said; “we organized it
firstly because for this year we have done a lot of progress with regards to
examinations. We emerged the overall first in the North West region in the
Common Entrance Examination into grammar schools; we were second in the Common
Entrance examination into Technical Schools and first in the First School Leaving
Certificate Examination”.
Angwafor, the thanks giving mass was to: “ remind ourselves and the audience,
the Christians and population that our mission as teachers is to educate our
children, to instill in them the love Jesus Christ had instilled in us as well
as to further implant in them the spirit of sharing, the spirit of forgiveness
and the spirit of development. So far today we saw that we can contribute our
own quota to develop any aspect of the church.”
He used the occasion to thank all those who
chipped in their support and collaboration to enable him, his colleagues and
well wishers to raise the sum of 228.325 FCFA for the development of the
Church. He equally called on parents who are sending their children to Form One
to cut their coats according to their sizes and not to imitate those who send
their children to ‘big schools’ like St. Augustine’s College Kumbo, Our Lady of
Lourdes Secondary School, Mankon Bamenda, Sacred Heart College Bamenda. He said
it will be frustrating for a child whose parents borrow money or sell a piece
of land to pay school fees, when they will not be able to continue when the
child moves to the next class.
divisional delegate also pointed out that there are so many government secondary
schools in the division to which parents can affordably send their children
there without having to go the extra mile. Apparently prompted by the fact the
FENASSCO fund coffers was empty when he took office, the new basic education
delegate called on school managers to respect the law and pay the FENASSCO dues
for their respective schools.
Angwafor’s rich &
astounding professional career
Angwafor has worked as a teacher of Government
Teachers’ Training Colleges, GTTC in Ngaoundere and Bamenda. Being an inspector
of basic education, Angwafor worked in Furu Awa in Menchum division, Babessi sub
division, Jakiri subdivision, Bamenda Central sub division and in Bamenda II
subdivision. He worked in the capacity of divisional delegate of basic
education for Mezam division from 2010 to January 13th 2013 when he
was posted in the same capacity to Bui division till date. He says he sees
himself as one who has to continue to carry the spirit of development wherever
he is posted because the head of state says that one should work and live
wherever he/she is posted and develop the place. He said when the Bible teaches
people to go and multiply, it does not imply that one should only go to
multiply in his own village but wherever his services are needed. He said
wherever he went he made sure that he left an indelible mark.
Organising FENASSCO
‘B’ games with empty coffers
The educator stated that the first challenge he
had on arrival at the helm of the delegation was organizing FENASSCO ‘B’ games
in Bui division without a franc in the FENASSCO fund. He surmounted the
difficulties by mobilizing his inspectors of basic education in Bui to bring
their various delegations to Kumbo for the divisional finals while through
appeals; he received assistance in transportation from Hon. Kwei Andrew Mngo of
Oku and in cash from Hon. Banadzem Joseph Lukong of Kumbo Constituency. “Everything
from the divisional finals of FINASSCO ‘B’ to the regional finals in Bamenda went
on hitch free,” he stated.
At this year’s regional finals of FENASSCO ‘B’ games,
Bui division emerged first and went on to take part in the national finals in
Ngaoundere where they won six medals including two gold and four bronze medals.
The governor of the North West region, Lele L’Afrique Adolph Deben Tchoffo
received the Bui delegation and gave them the sum of 50,000FCFA and a shield
for recognition.
Angwafor Clement gives
Bui basic education delegation facelift
He took over the delegation from his
predecessor in the dilapidated structures which were rented by government.
Before Angwafor’s appointment to Bui, government had constructed a divisional
delegation for basic education and what was lacking was an access to the
building and electricity. It was Angwafor who took upon himself to provide road
access to the building and install electricity in the building which currently
hosts the delegation. Government provided a credit of 4.5MFCFA francs which he
used to acquire equipment and equip the building.
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