The Guardian Post Newspaper

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

CDC gets new board chairman

From Njingang Godwin in Kumba & Carine Takusi in Limbe     

The former minister of justice, Benjamin Itoe, was on August 1, 2014 appointed as the new board chairman of the Cameroon Development Corporation, the CDC.  Last Friday’s residential decree puts an end to the vacancy in the office of the president of the board of directors at the CDC. Justice Itoe replaces former CDC board chairman, Atah Okia Namata Elangwe who died on March 5, 2014.
Justice Benjamin Itoe: New CDC Board chairman
Itoe Mutanga is a judge and has on several times been one minister or another in Cameroon. Born September 23, 1942 in Bombe-Kumba in the South West region, Benjamin Itoe did his university studies in Lagos before enrolling at the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM in Yaounde in 1968.
After leaving ENAM in September 1969, he was appointed deputy to the prosecutor of Buea judges. Meanwhile as a member of government, he served as minister of transport (1984) and minister of justice (1985).The CDC, it should be recalled, is the second employer in the country after the government and the largest employer in the private sector.
 Meanwhile Meme elite have extended a motion of thanks to the president of the republic for the appointment of one of theirs as the CDC board chairman. Speaking to The Guardian Post hours after the appointment of Justice Benjamin Itoe, Ebongo Zacheus Nanje, an elite of Meme described the appointment as being very timely reason why they have every reason to celebrate. Hear him: ‘‘ I feel like is the people of Mbonge who have been honoured because we have robber estate in Mbonge and palms plantation…Our people will feel a sense of belonging. The head of state has made us in Meme to know that the post of CDC board chairman is reserved for them .’’
For his part, the secretary general of the South West Elite Association,  Nganda Rudolf said the different ministerial positions that Justice Benjamin Itoe occupied  would help him ably sit on the Cameroon Development Corperation board chairman throne.

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