From Takusi Carine, on special assignment in Douala
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Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle |
International legal consultant
and peace crusader, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle has been hailed by Christians,
friends and sympathisers of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, for leading a
grand fundraising ceremony that saw over 30MFCFA raised to complete the multi-purpose
Presbyterian Church Bonaberi congregation building. The fundraising service
took place yesterday in Bonaberi-Douala and was attended by several
personalities from across the national territory.
Drawing inspiration from the
Book of Haggi 1: 1-6, the officiating pastor, Rev. Pastor Simon Mokoko implored
attendees to hold in high esteem as Christians, their spiritual
responsibilities as well as their priorities in the church. The man of God told
the congregation that it is better to give than to receive; noting that if one
gives to God, he or she will reap life time blessings in return.
Going further into the sermon, Rev. Mokoko
wondered why several people construct beautiful houses in Douala, yet come and
worship in an uncompleted church building. It was in this light that he urged
all those who have the ministry at heart to move forward to give their widow’s
myth to the completion of God’s place of worship.
Meantime, the chairman of the
fundraising committee, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, was commended for
rigorously mobilising those who matter in society top to support the
construction project. There was the remarkable presence of a senior official,
Njing Maxwell, who represented the minister of territorial administration and
decentralisation. The governors of the Littoral, South West and North West
regions were also conspicuously represented. Also, the director general of
Chantier Naval, Forgwe Alfred Mbeng and wife, the Nigerian consul general to
the North West and South West regions were present.
Remarkable contributions were
made by: Senator Nfon V.E Mukete,
Senator Mbella Moki Charles, Hon. Cyprain Awudu Mbaya, Hon. Nji Tumasang
Paul, Hon. Joseph Banadzem, the
secretary general at the South West governor’s office, the GCE Board registrar; Sir Humphrey Ekema
Monono, the vice chancellor of the
University of Buea; Nalova Lyonga, PAMOL
interim general manager; Mekanya Charles, Buea mayor; Ekema Patrick; MINREX
secretary general; Felix Mbayu,commander of the military base in the South
West; D.O for Douala IV; Elango Zacharie, minister delegate in charge of the
supreme state audit office; Henri Ayissi, chairman of NCHRF; Chetumta Divine,
Cameroonian ace musician, Papillion, the
director of cabinet at the prime minister’s office, Paul Ghogomu and
CRTV assistant general manager, Francis
Wete amongst others.
Speaking at the close of the fundraising ceremony, the chairman of the
organising committee, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle thanked all those who
contributed for the church project that is estimated to cost over 150MFCFA upon
completion. He added that yesterday’s fundraising ceremony was just one of
several others that would be staged to get the PC Bonaberi multi-million
project through.
How can you be convince that what is happening is the truth?. i watch the statistics of the presidential election, the SDF never had any powerful vote coming from other country's and some of the militant fraud it, to be loud that the SDF is beat other party's.
ReplyDeletepresidential seat: it will never be possible except the young youth's are about to leak flow before their have something to feed on. there are more to be aware of than thinking you know to much.
I advice all the youth's to put themselves in prayers and asked men of God about the future of their generation to come. Does it going to be OK when president BIYA leave the presidential office?. Who is capable to hold such knowledgeable nation with peace and upgrade the young potential's?.
We should always learn to let things grown genuinely and give slow development.. if Mr Dipanda believed what there did to him was wrong, let him go to court and prove himself because right now many are been thinking the president is involved in it. In which i believe he never ever plan for anyone such like Mr DIPANDA except the wants closer to him which he might did them wrong. finding is the best answers for freedom.
The question he should asked him self (Cyprian Awudu Mbaya) who and when did those post were put because them that thinks the are doing the right things, they are the wants selling the anglophones.
when a anglophone is been given the opportunity to be somewhere high, he took the advantage to kill his conscience and made big big English.
Please after that English check his bank account then he will tell you nothing goes for nothing' crash by back, i crash your back then You wish the country to move forward.
All those Cameroonians making their mouth in America' it is time i send them back here in Cameroon because the human right in America knew what is happening to my well being and educational career even the president in America. if their knew what this people did to my well being and educational career , i don't think' if, its happened to one of them, it will be taking lightly.
if ' they are out there,making such condemned. Have there asked what is happening here with their family's (ingrate's ).
President BARACK OBAMA please kindly asks the Cameroonian in America to come here and give their country peace but standing for justice and bring truth to the hearing of the populist in the nation. last warning let me no hear any noise coming from Cameroonians in America or you'll see.Dare me
Horrible ideas horrible English language!!!
DeleteMy dear pastor's at the Presbyterian church Cameroon.
ReplyDeleteAm sorry to write you this way but i have to, because a good mind deserve forgiveness.
My names are BETECK JACOB TAKOR having a Facebook names BETECK LESHIN JACOB TAKOR. Here in kumba south west region there is a problem in which madam Rita the wife of SUNDAY AYUK BETECK the one i called my elder brother. When i was growing has a boy, my elder brother told me any man get he foot and he hand for work he own money now ah get ma wife and children. I cried no one to support me in school.
I started working to make out life for my self and after that struggled, i send my self back to school in which i was struggling to traveled out the country then the result came out which my names never came out, Rita the wife of AYUK BETECK when to the GCE board saw the certificates and collected it, hide it in the house many years back. I asked her through messages but i was abused by his children and he came to kumba bribe many others with the money and slept with many just because of the case.
Those she had gave the money to, she slept with them even my own friends here in kumba. She bribe mostly all the government official here in kumba with the money she was supposed to pay on the case concerning my certificates and some were later collected by AYUK BETECK himself.
Then I decided to send the case further through fax to Yaounde and i made a blood oath in front the kumba city council and in GOD name that I'll never let go of the case until i find justice because i wake every where i was insulted the rube my names in the mud. I write this to you because the is nothing that will stop me from having the justice or one person will die. this woman should be call to order and let my certificates and the money be given because if it is not given I'll never let go of the case.
Below are the words fax send in yaounde at the presidency, prime minister office, minister of justice and the governor of south west province. the person in charge of the case called me and asked the number of AYUK BETECK, I gave them the number and late there told to have patience. read this below:
This is what i send to the government offices mention here in Cameroon
M. beteck Jacob takor also know n in face book as beteck leshin Jacob takor
South west province meme division kumba. Contact : +237674056569, +237676189808
696078852. E-mail: or
A judicial pardon note for embezzlement and bribery and corruption in my certificates case ordinary level and the fact happening on embezzlement in kumba. Many have reason to judge but have no clue to submit.
My greatest annual reason’s was to clearly find out on issue’s dealing with embezzlement.
Properly I saw a news paper posted with a picture notifying the populist in the country on those that were embezzle council fund. Close to my house there is a formal mayor for kumba two council which picture and names were rightfully spell in the news paper as Asapngu Ferdinand Nkiaka embezzle council fund . Right now he has beginning his newly building behind his resident while caught for embezzlement of council fund then after when I discover all this while we are in this same neighborhood, I called the senior divisional officer for meme secretary for a little enlightens but they took my complaint’s for granted (koutbout Aman David office). This very formal mayor was also the one who manipulated the case which has course me to be very furious and practically wishing to hurt with a lot of angry placed by anger. The case concerning my ordinary level certificates in which for the past years I had been trying very hard for the government officials in meme division to proclaim and give out a better judgment for the sake of justice concerning human right in the nation. I had been fighting through messages because am living in poverty. True to God almighty who created heaven and earth, I try, all I could with the accuse person in which is responsible in the collection of the certificate’s but she keep out punching abuses at me individually and publicly, everywhere.
I finally took the case upper by sending massages around many offices also worldwide then when she was judge by his colleagues the economic department. The GCE board come into conclusion that the justice for human right must be prevail. She was asked to pay a sum of money then hand over the certificates in a judicial manner which she was manipulated and fool in a stupid blinded ways. The formal mayor kumba two council collected the money and run fraud rumors (abuses) against me. Many of the big heads in government meme division are fully involved with means of bribery and corruption which fall under fraud like embezzlement. When any of the government official‘s in meme division is been question’s, they use their power for petition excuses by deceiving and manipulating the whole situation which has course me to be suffering up till now. I stand my ground and decided my certificates and money on the case must be given to me before any other readjustment or have a rethink for traveling or to staying in the country. Please give me my heart desire and clean up my reputation and for letting me have a future (the case concerning my certificate is one of my priority in life). They is a saying ‘the world is a battle field were everybody is fighting to survey but let no one survey by letting another person to suffer. Am franc less and we have been send out from the house. The case on my certificates has coursed me to suffer just for the reality of truth. Please do think on my welfare. N.B Please grant this favor by given me a private security
ReplyDeleteThanks sincere humble citizen
My humble regard and blessed acknowledgement with a heart of justice, not injustice)
Good morning to you all ( bonjour a vous tous )" Yesterday night after closing the cyber I went directly home on my way to the house Asapngu Ferdinand and one drunkard were sitting in one of the corner in his elder brother container drinking, There were talking when i pasted the drunkard started making words on me because Ferdinand told him to do so, to insulted me. God helped him' because he never said a word when i stand. I should had put a broken bottle in his neck but i never saw him this morning He should have received a warning which he will never forget in his entire life.
ReplyDeleteThe fool Asapngu Ferdinand nkiaka with his shapeless self was there making cunning' idiot.
I have another plans for Asapngu Ferdinand this time will not be words but bloodshed. Wait and watch next time.
Remember president Paul Biya had signed a decree that stated Human Right in Cameroon by the Unity nation. keep that in mind.
Since i started this fight of truth and reality self acknowledgement of this case of mine' Did with a lot of manipulation, bribery and corruption and also deformity of character. I had always think about death. I fear none meaning i fear no one on this earth with evil intentions.
Is only God that can do that" forgiveness" and "Peace". I am a human my heart also beat like others. We are in a world were human right are been played upon and human right is needed also justice as well. When i have what i want then we'll all goes to church and Ask God almighty for their forgiveness. When wrongs are made justice must take his cost or place
Its will not be only Asapngu ferdfinand who will be for the wrong happening in my life and educational career, He will not be the only one who will pay for the fate but anyone who had involved in this case so far.
Humans act with mercy not the act for, forgiveness' I BETECK JACOB has refused to have peace with anyone, who thinks He/She was too strong enough to played a role of deformity in my life and educational career. Suffering means nothing to me but my case is one of my most priority for now. I had wishes and now i am planing for my certificates and money on he case to be given.